The Chart of the Day belongs to Varonis Systems (VRNS). I found the data management software stock by using Barchart to sort Barchart’s Top Stocks to Own list first by the highest Weighted Alpha, then I used the Flipchart feature to review the charts for consistent price appreciation over the past 6 month period.The List ranks stocks by the highest current Signals Rating, which is a combination of signal strength and signal direction. Since the Trend Spotter signaled a buy on 2/16 the stock gained 18.65%.
Varonis Systems Inc. provides an innovative software platform that allows enterprises to map, analyze, manage and migrate their unstructured data. Its products include DatAdvantage, DataPrivilege, IDU Classification Framework, Data Transport Engine and DatAnywhere. The company sells its products to small and medium businesses, and large multinational enterprises in financial services, consumer and retail, industrial, healthcare, and energy and utilities industries. Varonis Systems Inc. is headquartered in New York.
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